
Thursday, March 02, 2006

馬 Horse

Born in: 1930 1942 1954 1966 1978 1990 2002

Cheerful, quick-witted and popular.
With a happy outlook, independent, subjective and self-centered.
She is also good at handling wealth.
A person born in this year is said to be cheerful, popular and quick- witted.
He has raw sex appeal rather than straight good looks.
Earthy and warmly appealing, he is very perceptive and talkative.
His changeable nature may lead him to be hot-tempered, rash and headstrong at times.
The unpredictable- able horse will fall in love easily and fall out of love just as easily.
In most cases the Horse will leave home early.
If not, his independent spirit will goad him to start working or to take up some career at an early age.
An adventurer at heart, still he is noted for his keen mind and ability to manage money.
Self-reliant, vivacious, energetic, impetuous and even brash, the Horse is a showy dresser, partial to bright colors and striking designs to the point of being gaudy on occasion.
The horse loves exercise both physical and mental. You can spot him by his rapid but graceful body movements, his animated reflexes and fast way of speaking. He responds quickly and can make snap decisions. His mind works at remarkable speed and whatever he may lack in stability and perseverance, he will certainly make up for by being open-minded and flexible. Basically, he is a nonconformist.The Horse likes: Riddles, Eat in Restaurants, Compliments, Conversation, Challenges and Kindness.

The Horse dislikes:
Violence, Cold, Cheating, Noise, Bad Food and Lateness.

Your Luck In Year 2006
Overall Forecast Horse may encounter setback in year 2006.
With your high caliber, you will have all your undertakings successfully carried out except that you should take preliminary precaution of the disturbance of mean persons.
Wealth will come from all sources.
However, you must not act as guarantor or allow any loan arrangement.
Sudden changes may happen to those born in 1978.
HealthControl smoking and drinking.
Be careful of the respiratory or intestinal ailments.
Youngster must avoid bad influence.

Any setbacks or obstructions will be likely caused by vile people, therefore judge people wisely.
Do not overtrust people and deal with your finance personally.
Keep good relationships with your subordinates in order to achieve better performance.

In the year of gossips and disputes, vile person will cause damages to lovers and married people. Be tolerant and mediate the problems with your spouse.

Wealth may not be so good as it may appear.
Make some savings and control your spending.
Special strategies are necessary in the competitive business.
Little windfalls may be expected, especially for those born in 1930 and 1966.
Best wealth luck will be in lunar months of January, April, May September and November during which considerable income will be expected.
Apart from making some savings, you are advised to allocated a part towards charitable contributions.

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